Ilenia: A powerfull replacement to standard ports utility

Ilenia is a tool that offers a simple, quick and comfortable way to manage ports and packages on your own CRUX PPC (and CRUX) system.

  • Ilenia can compile, install packages checking dependencies.
  • Ilenia can also remove packages in an harmless way: it checks dependent packages before removing.
  • Ilenia updates the local ports tree, gives a list of all ports, shows version diffs among installed packages and ports; it's able to show only packages older than the respective port.
  • With Ilenia you can manage ports collections in subdirs of /usr/ports but also in completely differents paths.
  • Ilenia uses an alias system: you can specify packages that for you are equivalent and ilenia doesn’t try to install a package if it is installed an equivalen one.

It's strongly suggested to read with attention the provided Ilenia man page.

Here a tuned /etc/ilenia.conf to use with CRUX PPC (32bit) ≥ 2.4 release:

# ilenia(8) configuration file

REPOSITORIES_HIERARCHY = "ppc/core ppc/opt ppc/xorg ppc/contrib"
NEVER_INSTALL = "nasm xorg-xf86-video-vesa yasm kqemu"
VERBOSE = "Yes" 
# ENABLE_LOG = "Yes"

# Use:
# port = repository
# Using wildcard in port's names is allowed.

# Use:
# port = version

gcc-fortran = gcc-gfortran
jdk = icedtea6-bin-ppc
jre = icedtea6-bin-ppc
icedtea6 = icedtea6-bin-ppc 
openoffice = openoffice-bin-ppc 
sendmail = exim postfix
boost-jam = boost

# you can choose to use a different pkgmk.conf
# Use:
# port = /path/to/your/special/pkgmk.conf

# these ports must be compiled without any kind of personal optimization 
# (i.e. the original /etc/pkgmk.conf provided by CRUX PPC).

binutils = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
gcc* = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
glibc = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
gettext = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
hdparm = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
boost = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
llvm = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
faac = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
distcc = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original
valgrind = /etc/pkgmk.conf.original