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 Post subject: Maybe an Improvement maybe not....
PostPosted: 18 Dec 2005, 22:51 

Joined: 22 May 2004, 21:26
Posts: 14
Location: $HOME=/usa/texas/austin
I was thinking, beening that there are more standard hardware builds of mac products, why don't we have a standard .configs, or xorg.confs in a repo somewhere? think about it, we'd have more traffic too on the project if we give good "templates" for hardware...


 Post subject: Excellent idea :)
PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005, 10:30 
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Joined: 12 Nov 2004, 01:25
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Location: Italy
Hi J^2,
i think yours is an execellent idea...
maybe the best solution would be to put all these files and howtos in a wiki...
or do you mean a real cvs or svn repo??
I think one of our greatest problems is the lack of documentation... even if the average experienced user is able to find info by her/himself, having some selected confs ready might save lots of time! :wink: :wink:
Well we're working on it and giulivo already contacted our friends at sunsite to have new services!

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PostPosted: 19 Dec 2005, 22:08 

Joined: 22 May 2004, 21:26
Posts: 14
Location: $HOME=/usa/texas/austin
yeah thats a really good question. I was thinking of putting it on both a wiki like system with hardware configs, and maybe when we have a few .configs and good "generic" hardware designs we can slap them on the cd too. kinda like the rc and the

but make it...eventually

we could eventually go towards the linux-x.x.x.x.config-2usbibook etc etc too.

the this brings me to the xorg.confs...i think they SHOULDNT be on the cd, not everyone wants x on there machine, me yes, some no, so i think we should post those to a wiki like system that one can just wget it.

Another major reason why i'd like to mention again is that if we do provide this service, then we'll have more traffic going our way for people looking to use linux on the ppc; then there's a chance that more people will try it, with that a larger userbase with more oppertunity to create a distro that is well respected.

I truely invison a great chance we have here, we just need to boot strap it and move forward with the momentum that we are gaining.

Btw, do you think we could create a wiki on dont forget we'd need one that had a way to export to txt...and not the funky txt, straight text.

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PostPosted: 20 Dec 2005, 12:03 

Joined: 20 Dec 2005, 09:27
Posts: 17
Id like to throw my weight behind the wiki idea.

also it wouldnt be too hard to hack together a rc script for the boot cd to determine what config they would need and dump it in the /usr/src/linux-`uname -r`/ with the right name. giving the user choice is fine but giving them the right choice can be tricky.

Peter Banks

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 28 Dec 2005, 22:44 

Joined: 29 Sep 2005, 01:19
Posts: 19
this sounds excellent.
would've saved me a lot of headache, and i'd love to save others from it

my two cents: you may as well put xorg.confs on the cd as well, X is already on there, and even if you have a lot of confs to choose from its not taking up that much more space or anything, people who don't use X don't have to use them certainly, but its not hurting or depriving them of anything by having them available.

[ peace ]

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