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 Post subject: Bring back Xclock
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2009, 21:57 

Joined: 21 Jan 2009, 08:58
Posts: 31
Ok, maybe I've had too much coffee, but I actually find xclock handy for these weary eyes, especially since I run a minimal wm and don't like most of their own digital clocks.

I grabbed some Debian source for it and compiled, but would love to see it brought back as standard. Don't get me wrong, I have no need for xcalc or the really funky xman! No need to go that retro. :)

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PostPosted: 04 Feb 2009, 10:45 
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we should write a port!

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PostPosted: 05 Feb 2009, 08:03 

Joined: 21 Jan 2009, 08:58
Posts: 31
I'd love that. What is amazing to me is that Crux-ppc just introduced me to the candy-store.

For instance, take Xclock - although I just compiled the original pristine source, I see all the Debian diffs that have come down that pike that are actual improvements, and not always just distro-specific tweaks!

Another example is my one of my favorite cli-apps for taking down all these Crux-ppc notes: HNB (hierarchical notebook - couldn't get my head around vim-outliner)

If you go to the main project page, it looks long abandoned - yet taking a look at the diffs for it in Debian shows that it is still being maintained and improved upon - it isn't just generally known or mentioned on the project page. I'll bet a lot of software that was thought abandoned out there is being improved upon silently like this.

Now I just have to figure out why my patching techniques don't seem to work - I'll hit the books for that so I can play with the diffs!

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